Introduction In geology an "upland" is generally described as rugged land that is high above sea...
So.. What should I bring with me to The Adventure Service Ltd?
This is a question that we're asked all of the time.
Firstly, you will need a day rucksack- big enough to hold the following items;
Waterproof trousers and jacket.
A warm coat or fleece that will fit under your waterproof jacket.
A warm hat and gloves, even in the summer! When out on the hills, the weather can be changeable.
In the warmer months bring a sunhat or cap and sunscreen ( please note that out team will encourage all Adventurers to use sunscreen in sunny weather so if you like a particular brand then pop it in your rucksack.)
For lunch - sandwiches, pasta salad or soup in a flask is ideal. Bring snacks in-case you get peckish. Although we like to encourage healthy eating we all enjoy the odd naughty snack.
Other essential equipment that you will need:
Walking boots or walking shoes- even in the summer. You can bring pumps or trainers to wear after your activity.
50p towards all day drinks and toast for breakfast
On days where you are canoeing or paddleboarding you will receive a text the evening before, asking you to bring a change of clothes , towel and water shoes or old trainers.
You are requested NOT to wear jeans as they are not suitable for outdoor adventure. Also, don't wear your Sunday best!
Please get in touch with our team if you need any further advice.
The Adventure Service Team